Emergency Call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Calls (902) 629-4172

Police Headquarters 10 Kirkwood Drive Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 2T3

Police Headquarters

10 Kirkwood Drive
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
C1A 2T3


Call 9-1-1


Call (902) 629-4172

Scam Alert – “Indeed” Job Search Site

File: 2019799890 – June 6, 2019 Charlottetown Polices Services would like to warn the public about a scam involving the website Indeed. Over the last few days, Police have received several complaints of people falling victim to this scam. The scam does vary...

Single Vehicle Collision – Impaired Charges Laid

File: 2019798489 – June 6, 2019 Charlottetown Police Services responded to a single vehicle collision at the intersection of Beach Grove Road and North River Road at 00:35am this morning.  The vehicle collided head on with the traffic signal pole.  The driver...