Emergency Call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Calls (902) 629-4172

Police Headquarters 10 Kirkwood Drive Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 2T3

Police Headquarters

10 Kirkwood Drive
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
C1A 2T3


Call 9-1-1


Call (902) 629-4172

File: 20201375931

At 12:30 pm on Saturday (Sept 18), Charlottetown Police Services responded to a call of suspicious activity at a residence on Westridge Crescent.

Upon arrival, Police located 3 individuals in the process of removing items from the residence.  All three individuals were subsequently arrested for Break and Enter.

A 39 year old Stratford male, a 31 year old Charlottetown male and a 34 year old Charlottetown female were charged with Break and Enter.  Both males were released from custody with conditions and will appear in Provincial Court at a later date.  The female remains in custody.  She was serving a conditional sentence order (house arrest) at the time of this offence.