File: 2022289565
On March 8, 2022 at 3:18 pm, Charlottetown Police responded to a complaint of a near miss collision that occurred at the intersection of the Arterial Highway and Brackley Point Road.
A small 4 door grey hatchback car (pictured below) cut off two other oncoming vehicles as it turned left onto Brackley Point Road. This vehicle did not stop and continued southbound.
Police are seeking public assistance in identifying the vehicle and/or vehicle driver at the time of the near miss collision.
The driver of the SUV that had to swerve to avoid a collision was not injured but the vehicle did sustain damage from hitting the snow bank.
Anyone with information regarding the identity of the vehicle and/or driver is asked to contact police at 902-629-4172, complete the tip section below or contact PEI Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
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Do you have information that can help us solve this file? Leave a tip below. If you wish to remain anonymous, only fill out the information area. If you add your contact name, email or phone number, you may be contacted by an Officer to discuss the information you provided.