File: 2024362318
At 11:10 pm Tuesday night (Mar 19), Charlottetown Police Services responded to a complaint of a Break and Enter in progress at a residential apartment on Water Street.
Police learned that the female victim was in bed and heard the balcony door open and saw an unknown male in her kitchen. The suspect left the apartment and stole a winter jacket on his way out. The victim was not approached by the suspect and was able to provide a good physical and clothing description of the male.
A few hours later at 1:05 am Wednesday morning (Mar 20), Police responded to a complaint of a male on a deck at a residence on Sydney Street. In this case, the suspect had left the scene without entering the residence, but the victim did have video surveillance of the male. Police were able to identify the male, and based on clothing and physical description confirmed that this was the same male as the previous B&E investigation.
At 1:20 am, other Police units located and arrested the male suspect on Prince Street. The male was wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet (ankle bracelet) and as such, Probation Services were contacted after the fact and were able to confirm that the male had been at the two locations subject to these investigations.
A 31 year old Charlottetown male has been charged with break and enter, trespass at night, two (2) counts of breach of probation and two (2) counts of failing to comply with a court imposed release order. The accused had over twenty five other unrelated pending charges before the courts at the time of his arrest. The accused has been remanded in custody and will appear in Provincial Court at a later date.