Emergency Call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Calls (902) 629-4172

Police Headquarters 10 Kirkwood Drive Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 2T3

Police Headquarters

10 Kirkwood Drive
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
C1A 2T3


Call 9-1-1


Call (902) 629-4172

Community Programs and Partners

Community Programs

Amber Alert

Amber Alert is a joint project of Charlottetown Police Services, other Police Services on Prince Edward Island, RCMP and the media. It is a voluntary, cooperative program that sends an emergency alert to the public when a child has been abducted and it is believed that his/her life is in grave danger. It can only be activated by an authorized user of this joint project and is only used for serious child abduction cases. It is important that this program be used appropriately and not be overused.

For more information about Amber Alert contact:
Detective Cst. Darren MacDougall
Email: dmacdougall@city.charlottetown.pe.ca
Tel: 902-629-6612

Comfort Call – Aliant

Sponsored by Aliant this program provides cell service to our Traffic Units for those involved in motor vehicle collisions. This allows those involved in an accident to contact their loved ones in times of need.

Buckle Up Bears Car Seat Program

A program dedicated to the correct installation and use of child car seats.  Members of our Police Service team-up with Co-operators staff to raise awareness to the correct installation and use of car seats for children.  Led by The Co-operators, the program is fueled by the safety expertise and counsel of the Canada Safety Council and the Infant and Toddler Safety Association.

The program involves car seat inspection training for Co-operators staff and members of the CPS, and the production and distribution of materials for parents and caregivers. These include growth charts, stickers, colouring sheets and a children’s video. Trained inspectors go on to staff car seat inspection clinics and raise awareness in the broader community.

D.A.R.E.(Drug Abuse Resistance Education)

D.A.R.E. is a comprehensive prevention education program designed to equip school children with skills to recognize and resist social pressures to experiment with tobacco, alcohol, other drugs and violence.

This unique program utilizes uniformed law enforcement officers to teach a formal curriculum to students in a classroom setting. D.A.R.E. gives special attention to fifth and sixth grade students to prepare them for entry into intermediate & high school, where they are most likely to encounter pressure to use drugs.  DARE is being offered in all Junior High Schools in the City of Charlottetown.

Kids N Kops – Big Brothers Big Sisters

Operating as a one week Summer program, Kids ‘N’ Kops provides an opportunity for children to interact with the Charlottetown Police Services.  This group program sees officers volunteer to mentor a group of children by teaching them many aspects of police work. The educational component is combined with a recreational element that integrates fun through sports and games in the week-long experience. Kids ‘N’ Kops works to promote trust between Law Enforcement and children, and to foster a realistic concept of Police Officers.

It’s easy to get involved.
Call 1-877-411-3729  or email info@bbbspei.ca

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is a program aimed at reducing crime in the community. It involves getting to know one’s neighbour and introducing them to the concept that is, good neighbours working together, alert to the potential of crime and willing to look out for one and other’s interests. Neighbours working together through Neighbourhood Watch can combat crime in their neighbourhood in their area the most effective way – before it starts.  Neighbourhood_Watch_Brochure

Operation Identification

Operation Identification is a citizen burglary prevention program for use in homes and businesses.  The Operation Identification program involves marking property with an identifying number as a means of discouraging burglary and theft. In communities where it has been properly implemented, Operation Identification has shown dramatic results in its ability to reduce burglaries.  Operation_ID.

Parenting Techniques

“Parenting Techniques’ is a series of eight sessions that are facilitated by “front line” professionals.  The topics include internet safety, drug awareness, adolescent development and communication skills. Participants  can request information on topics that are relevant to their present situation, and we will invite a speaker with expertise in that area.

Charlottetown City Police Services believe that providing resources to build a stronger community can have a greater effect than enforcement alone.This resource is free to all participants.  For more information, please contact Chuck MacPherson at Charlottetown City Police Services 629-4144.

Safe Line – Aliant

A program geared to assist those in potentially dangerous domestic violence situations.
Aliant will supply the Charlottetown Police Services with refurbished cell phones, which police can provide to people at risk of facing domestic violence. The phones are capable of calling 911 through the Aliant network.

We are proud to have Aliant as our partner in this initiative. One phone call was all that was needed to get the project started.

Patrol units will be equipped with the cell phones. Based on a number of factors, the officer will make an assessment and offer a phone to at-risk individuals as a safety measure.

Aliant has partnered with this Police Service in a number of areas in the past, including “Comfort Call” which provides cell service to our Traffic Units for those involved in motor vehicle collisions. This allows those involved in an accident to contact their loved ones in times of need.

S.A.F.E. Schools

SAFE is an acronym for School Action for Emergencies.  It is a national program that was developed by the RCMP following the shootings at Columbine and Dawson College. Through SAFE, schools and law enforcement agencies are working together to improve response to high-risk incidents in schools.

A team of CPS and RCMP members have gathered key information on all Island schools and put it into a provincial database. This information may include aerial photos, floor plans and emergency procedures in the school. In the event of an incident, police have this information at their fingertips.

The three school boards are developing lock-down policies that outline procedures for their schools to follow in situations where students need to be kept safe inside the school.

PEI is the first province to implement the SAFE program in all schools.

School Liaison Officers

The Charlottetown Police Services (CPS) has presently a School Liaison Officer assigned to every high school and Junior High in the city.  Officers will visit the schools on their scheduled day shifts from Monday to Friday. The Officers will spend time at the schools with a goal of facilitating crime prevention and fostering positive relationships between the police and youth.

Crime prevention can be achieved through education, mentoring, counselling and advising students on police-related matters. Crime prevention can also be achieved through the Liaison Officer’s participation in extra-curricular activities, parent council meetings, neighbourhood meetings and by liaising with the teachers, support staff, administrators and the school board.

Major Responsibilities:

The overall major duties of the School Liaison Officer can be broken down into three required areas:

  • Provide a positive role-model and mentor for youth and promote positive interaction between youth, the police and the school’s neighbours.
  • Educate and counsel youth and their families on law related matters through classroom lessons, school presentations, individual counselling and parent meetings.
  • Enforce the Law by responding to calls at the schools and taking on pro-active initiatives as well as gathering intelligence information and forwarding it to the Intelligence Branch.

Youth Outreach Program

The Charlottetown Police Services has partnered with the Office of the Attorney General to deliver the Youth Intervention Outreach Program. The goal of the program is the reduce the number of youth entering the justice system.  Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, Police have to the discretionary power to deal with young persons who come into conflict with the law using “Extrajudicial sanctions” (formal  justice system) or “Extrajudicial measures” (referral to a program such as the Youth Intervention Outreach Program, or agency that may assist a young person not to commit offences).

The Youth Intervention Outreach Worker’s office is located in the Police Station.  Referrals to the  program can only by made by members of the Charlottetown City Police. “Extrajudicial measures” are often the most appropriate and effective way to address youth crime, and are seen as adequate to hold a young person to account.for their offending behaviour.

Community Partners

Bell Aliant

Bell Aliant has partnered with this Police Services in a number of areas in the past, including “Comfort Call”  and  “Safe Line” programs.  Many victims have benefited from these initiatives and we are proud to have Aliant as our partner. One phone call was all that was needed to get the projects started.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters of P.E.I. has been creating friendships since 1975.  In partnership with them we offer the Kids ‘N’ Kops program to promote trust between Law Enforcement and children, and to foster a realistic concept of Police Officers.

Learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters by visiting their web site.

Catholic Family Services Bureau

Catholic Family Services Bureau is a voluntary, non-denominational, not-for-profit, accredited, family service agency whose purpose is the promotion and strengthening of the quality of family life on Prince Edward Island.

The purpose is carried out through the provision of professional counselling (individuals, couples, families, parents, teens and children) parent education/ wellness programs and advocacy services which are based on the recognition of the unique worth and dignity of each human being from conception until natural death. Services are available to all regardless of age, race, creed/religion, marital status, sex and sexual orientation.

The Parent  Education/Wellness Programs include: Assertive Training; Active Parenting for Children 2-12; Active Parenting for Teens; Building Self Esteem; Managing Stress , Marriage Preparation, etc.   Courses/Workshops are available in communities or at the workplace upon request.

Learn more about the Catholic Family Service Bureau by visting their website.

Child & Family Services

The mandate of this division is to provide child protection, residential, adoption, foster care, and family violence prevention services to vulnerable Island children, youth, families, and communities across the province, including the provision of care for children in need of protection and in the legal care of the Director of Child Welfare. In addition, this division provides various family strengthening programs and services including Family Ties, an adolescent and family counseling program.

Learn more about Child & Family Services by visiting their web site.

Community Legal Information Association (CLIA)

Provides basic legal information including free pamphlets on a wide variety of legal topics to the general public.

Learn more about CLIA by visiting their web site.

Charlottetown Downtown Residence Association(CDRA)

The Charlottetown Downtown Residents Association (CDRA) was officially formed in March 2009.  Membership is open to all residents of the downtown area south of Euston St. between West and Esher Streets, also known as the original ‘500 lots’.  The Association aims to create a vibrant and safe downtown community by offering a forum for discussion, deliberation and consensus on matters affecting the downtown area and the waterfront.  Meetings are held approximately every two months at St. Paul’s Parish Hall at 101 Prince St. and generally include guest speakers presenting information on topics of interest to the downtown community. New members are always welcome.

For more information, please call Andrea at (892-2877).

Crime Stoppers – PEI

PEI Crime Stoppers started operations in January of 1989, since then the CPS has maintained a strong partnership with their organization.  Over the years Crime Stoppers has helped the CPS solve numerous crimes, making the City of Charlottetown a safer community for our residents and visitors. Learn more about Crime Stoppers by visiting their website.

Crown Attorneys Office

The Crown Attorneys represent the Attorney General in the prosecution of all criminal cases under the Criminal Code of Canada and Provincial Statutes. In cooperation with Victim Services, Crown Attorneys assist victims with Court preparation upon request.  Learn more about the Crown Attorneys Office by visiting their web site.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

MADD Canada’s aim is to offer support services to victims, heighten awareness about the dangers of impaired driving by alcohol and/or drugs, and to save lives and prevent injuries on our roads. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is a terrible crime that touches all of our lives and it is an irresponsible, dangerous and intolerable act.

Learn more about MADD by visiting their website.

Murphy’s Pharmacies

Ray Murphy and his team are not just focused on building healthier communities but also safer ones.  We have enjoyed a long and strong partnership with the Murphy team who regularly donate to crime prevention initiatives.

Learn more about Murphy’s Pharmacies by visiting their website.

PEI Family Violence Prevention Services

PEI Family Violence Prevention Services Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1980.  Our primary goals are to provide a place of safety for women and children who are victims of abuse, educate the public about the issues of violence against women and family violence, and advocate for the needs of abused women and children. We believe that it is a basic human right to be free of abuse and from fear of abuse in relationships. Anderson House, our emergency shelter, is staffed 24/7 and has a 24-hour crisis line. We also have outreach offices in Montague, Charlottetown, Summerside and O’Leary.

PEI Rape & Sexual Assault Centre (PEIRSAC)

The goal of the PEIRSAC is to support and advocate for survivors of sexual assault and abuse in their healing and to ensure that all residents of PEI are safe from sexual violence. To achieve this, they work collaboratively with, and in ways that empower, individuals and organizations.

Learn more about PEIRSAC by visiting their website.

Students Against Drinking & Driving (SADD)

Students Against Drinking and Driving is a dynamic and creative youth-based organization founded to help prevent drinking and driving among young people in Prince Edward Island.

Salvation Army

Providing 24-hour service. Emergency shelter, food and clothing; transportation in emergency cases if needed; pastoral counselling; operation of a senior citizen home; and provision of a chaplain to the Correctional Centre.

For More Information:
Majors Stephen & Elaine Hibbs
158 Fitzroy Street
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 1S1
Telephone: (902) 892-2281
Facsimile: (902) 892-2909

Victim Services of PEI

The Charlottetown Police Services (CPS) is proud of our ongoing partnership and support the important work being done in our community by  Victim Services of Prince Edward Island.

Crime affects everyone. Cultural and religious background, financial and social status is not a deterrent as crime knows no bounds. Being a victim of crime and or trauma can be a difficult and confusing experience. Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, and an inability to move forward may result. Many people are re-victimized by a lack of knowledge of the Criminal Justice System, and the feeling they have no voice in the process. The inability of well mean-ing family, friends and society to fully understand the personal losses that have been suffered can be deeply hurtful. Learn more about Victim Services by visiting their website.

Walmart – Charlottetown

Walmart’s resolve to serve each community extends far beyond their ability as a retailer. They are also very supportive  of our Police Services in the area of Crime Prevention initiatives. Learn more about Walmart’s Community Involvement by visiting their website.