On April 17th, 2021, Cst. Chantelle Costello received the Police Community Relations Award for Outstanding service in the Community from the IODE Canada- PEI Chapter.
Cst. Costello began working with Charlottetown Police in 2014 and is currently the School Resource Officer at Colonel Gray Senior High School. Prior to becoming a police officer, Cst. Costello graduated from the Bachelor of Arts Community Studies program at Cape Breton University, and volunteered with the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, and the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Long term care unit.
Recently, Cst. Costello was a member of the Dreams Take Flight PEI team, which selected deserving children from PEI to take the trip of a lifetime to Disney World. Eight PEI children went on the 2019 trip. Due to current restrictions, the 2020 and 2021 trips have been cancelled. Cst. Costello composed a team of staff from Colonel Gray Senior High school, and they raised $1100 during the month of March for Big Brothers Big Sisters PEI.
Currently, Cst. Costello chairs the Small Business Committee for the new North Star Arena that is being constructed in North Rustico. This committee is made up of a number of volunteers, building relationships and seeking sponsorships and funding for the new facility, under the Capital Fundraising Campaign Project.